Help us boost our Co-op award
In October 2024, Broomhill Community Trust received an award from the Co-op's Local Community Fund program.
Our application for the award focused on our wish to help improve people's mental wellbeing by creating gardening opportunities in the Heritage Garden for the elderly, the young, people of all cultures, and people out of work or with health needs.
You can read more about our application HERE.
How to Boost our Award
Using your Co-op membership card, you can nominate Broomhill Community Trust (BCT) as a cause you want to vote for. Every time you buy over £5 of Co-op branded goods, you can nominate BCT, which will enter us into a £5k draw.
As a Co-op Member, you can help make a difference in the community by supporting our project. Become a Co-op Member and choose us as your local cause today. You can sign in at