About us

Broomhill Community Trust is a charity that oversees the running and the development of both the library building and the gardens. This is staffed by a large team of volunteers, who run the library, maintain the gardens, put on activities and events, look after the Trust and the finances, raise funds and engage with the S10 community and beyond to offer opportunities for lifelong learning, wellbeing opportunities and a chance to appreciate the heritage of the site . 

BCL and BCT- who we are

Broomhill Community Library (BCL) is a co-delivered library run in partnership with Sheffield City Council. This means that the council pays for the basic running costs of the building and provides some new books. It does not pay for any staff, any refurbishment, access needs or fixtures and fittings. Our volunteers have to raise the funds to make any improvements to the building or the services they offer.

Broomhill Community Trust (BCT) is a CIO (1176562) formed in January 2018. It runs the library site and raises funds to develop the library and the heritage garden. 

BCT is governed by a Board of Trustees. The library management group runs the day to day matters of the library and other assorted teams look after other areas of work.

Exciting new development plans 

BCT is seeking to transform the library site to expand its learning, wellbeing and heritage opportunities. This means activity and education rooms, gardens being accessible with more seating, space for wellbeing gardening activities throughout the year that enable the isolated to come together, and better access for all into and throughout the building. 

Work with architects is ongoing and the trust is actively seeking funding for the plans.

We have sent in a pre-planning application enquiry to Sheffield City Council and with some small alterations that we are working on, it has been broadly accepted. We have just completed an access audit to ensure our plans are robust for the future.

We are currently looking to add a public WC as asked for by the public, a new activity room from which  some of our wellbeing partners have requested to work, better access to storage for our volunteers that then releases more space for the public and a total refresh of the outdated children's library, so that there is more space for children and teenage groups to meet. 

The Pocket Park in the rockery at the side of the drive of the library is fully restored, thanks to our volunteers, students, the Sheffield Conservation volunteers and the organisations that have provided the funding.

There are many ways you can help us realise this transformation.

Volunteer  or support in other ways such as donating books or money or spread the word and encourage people to take part in activities, joining the library and keep telling us what you want as all these things will help.

Kind to the environment

At BCL we love to look out for the planet. Using a library rather than always buying a new book is good for the environment. 

We encourage folk to walk or cycle to the library and have stands to which we can padlock our bikes. We have no onsite public parking.

We try to be environmentally friendly so we recycle and reuse everything we can; we offer recycling for stamps that go to the RNIB, batteries and printer cartridges. 

We changed to LED lighting; we look to secure funding to become more energy efficient and to do more on sustainability.

We help with the litter pick, every third Saturday of the month.

We have a bike build and repairs business Vernon Barker Cycles at the back of the library. Access is down the drive and their door will be facing you. 

More details from: http://www.vernonbarkercycles.co.uk/ 

Keeping you in the loop

We like to keep you informed about what's going on in the library. The most up to date info is on the What's On page or on our Facebook page. A new regular blog and a new Instagram page will start this Autumn, so look out for that! 

Prefer to see it in print? Come to the library and read the notice boards or ask at reception. 

We publicise city wide events in the adult fiction section and local events by the stairs and in the lobby.

We display health and wellbeing posters, booklets and leaflets next to the section of Reading Well Books (books appraised by experts in health and wellbeing) in the bay at the side of the adult library.